About Plan Ridgeland

This is the project website for the Town of Ridgeland's Comprehensive Plan update. The Comprehensive Plan will guide the future growth and development of Ridgeland. The Plan will include a thorough analysis of emerging trends and topics related to land use, development, transportation, utilities, and other factors which impact growth. The analysis, along with public input, will be utilized to develop a vision and recommendations to guide the Town's growth in the coming years. This website will serve as the home base for you to learn more about the planning process, review information, and find ways to stay involved.

Questions or Comments?

Draft Background Report

As part of the background research and initial public input portions of the planning process, a background report was developed. This draft report summarizes the public input received, as well as the key data points reviewed in relation to each plan element. This document is a draft, but will be utilized to develop the Town of Ridgeland's Comprehensive Plan.

Draft Background Report
Existing Plan

If you're interested in viewing the Town's current / existing comprehensive plan, please click on the link below.

Planning Process

To view information on the planning process, please click the link below.

Get Involved

To learn how you can get involved in the comprehensive planning process, please click the link below.


The Comprehensive Plan is a document intended to guide and shape future growth of a community. The South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994 establishes requirements for local governments to develop and maintain a planning process which will result in the systematic and continual re-evaluation and updating of a comprehensive plan. As of 2024, the State requires that all comprehensive plans include ten primary elements: population, economic development, natural resources, cultural resources, community facilities, housing, land use, transportation, priority investment, and resiliency.

The Comprehensive Plan will be developed over the course of a 16-month process, beginning in July 2024. It is possible that the Plan will be completed prior to 16 months - please review the Planning Process tab to determine the release of a draft document.

There are numerous ways that you can be involved in the planning process! Visit the "Get Involved" tab of this website to find about upcoming public meetings and an online community survey. You can also visit the "Contact Us" tab to submit a question or comment, and to subscribe to our email list