Ways to Participate

Community Survey

Community Survey

A community survey was available online October 15 - November 15, 2024. Thank you to all who participated! The results will help shape the development of the Comprehensive Plan. You can view a summary of the results in the draft background report.

Draft Background Report
Public Kickoff Meeting

Public Kickoff Meeting

On October 28th, a public kickoff meeting was held to introduce residents and other interested parties to the Plan. If you missed the meeting, you can view the public meeting boards and presentation here. Another public meeting will be held toward the end of the process, so stay tuned.

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Other Meetings

Other Meetings

There will be additional meetings and opportunities to provide feedback as the Plan is developed. In particular, there will be meetings toward the middle and end of the process. Check this website for updates and sign up for email updates so that you can be notified of upcoming meetings.

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Get Involved

During the project process, there will be a number of ways to get involved. Thank you to all who participated in the online community survey, as well as to those who attended the public kickoff meeting! Additional meetings will be held as the initial draft Plan is developed. Stay tuned here, or sign up for email updates, so that you can know about upcoming opportunities to get involved.

Council Workshop Presentation

On December 19th, the Town Council held a workshop to discuss the Comprehensive Planning Process. During this meeting, the project team presented a summary of the key findings to date and reviewed the initial "emerging themes" which will be used to develop the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. The presentation shared during this meeting can be viewed here.